Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mailbox, not Toybox

Hello. Yes I actually created a blog about our Mailbox NOT being a Toybox.
(Note: there is a link at the bottom to view our front porch/mailbox, maybe you can help me solve the mystery and capture the mail tamperer)


Because I am absolutely fed up. For at least 6 months to a year, if not more, someone has been tampering with our mail. Now, who knows if it's always been the same someone. But here are the facts:

  • Someone can't seem to stay out of our mailbox
  • Someone likes to rip up our mail and scatter it around
  • Someone needs to STOP!
After it happened a few times I called the Post Office. I'm not sure why it took a few times... but I finally called. They of course didn't know whether to accuse a punk kid running around causing mail offenses, or maybe even the mail carrier. I really don't know anything about our mail carrier. I think we've been through a few since we've lived here, sometimes it's a man, sometimes it's a woman. I can't even count on our mail coming at a certain time each day. I've got it narrowed down to somewhere between 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM. I really doubt though that the mail carrier rips up our mail and throws it around like confetti.

So back to the USPS, they told me there wasn't much they could do since I wasn't sure whodunnit. (didn't catch them in the act) They suggested getting a locking mailbox, which my husband and I had been considering. So we did. But I wasn't happy, because we didn't have $100 to spend on a locking mailbox. But I also didn't know what I was losing out on from our mail offender, so we made an investment to our piece of mind.

Things have been good for awhile... I think it's been 3 months or so? I am cautious though to put outgoing mail in the mailbox, since that part is accessible. I try not to have it out there too long. Well last night I put a Netflix movie in. I actually hesitated on putting something else in, so I held onto it. But I figured the Netflix movie was safe, especially since it wasn't sticking out and drawing attention. But for some reason between last night and around Noon today, someone felt like opening our mailbox.  Maybe it's just so fun to open up a mailbox that is so different than everyone else's. Whatever reason, they took out the Netflix movie, ripped up the mailing envelope, scattered it under the neighbor's tree, threw down the dvd envelope and I have yet to know what they did with the DVD.  It was the old True Grit from 1969 with John Wayne. Perhaps they ran home to watch it.

In the meantime, I'm left feeling pissed again, highly pissed! I'm sorry but nothing makes me more mad than plain old disrespect. What compels someone to reach into a mailbox, take someone else's mail and rip it up?

Well if you haven't talked to your kids about mailboxes, now's your chance. Take this opportunity and say, "Listen Bobby, it's just not right to take other people's mail. You don't play in people's mailboxes. They do not belong to you and you certainly shouldn't ever rip up someone's mail."  In fact while you're at it you can teach your little ones not to tamper with anything in other people's yards. It's called respect for others' property.

I like to practice what I preach, so yes my kids know not to mess with someone's mail or mailbox. If someone else was having a similar issue, I'd tell my kids, "in case you didn't know, you don't do that!" Sometimes we don't always think about teaching our kids these things until something like this happens.

The USPS has been alerted again as well as the local authorities.If you have seen or heard anything, please let us know.

Sorry if some may think I'm coming off a bit harsh, but this is a serious offense and we know have cameras up and running. Say cheese! This blog will hopefully be a place to come and see what our cameras capture.

*I don't know how to put the webcam directly on here, but here's the link to view it.: You'll have to keep refreshing the page, and if you refresh fast enough, it's practically streaming live.  (Oh poo, I thought I had it, but it seems that I"m the only one who can see it?) Help please! In the meantime, I'll try to post some interesting shots as much as possible)  Enjoy and let me know if you see anything. In fact, would you please save the picture and e-mail it to me? (in case I miss something)  pepperbird@gmail.com Thank you!

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